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john bregar
Headshots & Creative Shots for a well rounded portfolio of content
4 hr4 hrDavies Avenue
695 Canadian dollars
Service Description
ProPack offer's various lighting styles to get "different" looking photos for your portfolio. Some images will have "headshot style lighting" and some will have "model style lighting". We get to spend 4hrs capturing everything and you can change your hair&makeup often. Only Gallery 1080p Proofs (not watermarked) x2 FREE RETOUCHES then Retouching $19.99ea Hair and Makeup artist is avail at their "half-day" rate. This can be anywhere from $250-$350 depending on the artist.
Cancellation Policy
A non-refundable deposit is used to secure your date and time. Cancelations or rescheduling forfeits the deposit.
Contact Details
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